Keuring 2017

Overall Champion 2017 'Impreza van de Hondshoeve
Impreza was bred by Mrs. S.A. Snellenburg and owned by Nadeen & Lee Davis of Wallbrook Stud Tasmania. Congratulations to the breeder and owners! Impreza is also the first mare to be awarded Model in Australia
Champion of the VIC Keuring - Okkie fan Wildcroft
Reserve Champion of the VIC Keuring - Armani of Bonadelca
Rubriek 1 - Premium judging colts
126 Doeke of Twin Rivers - 1st premie
127 Antonn of Terarossa - 2nd premie
129 Zuchelli of Bonadelca - 2nd premie
130 Armani of Bonadelca - 1st premie
131 Aramis of Bonadelca - 3rd premie
Rubriek 2 - Premium judging fillies
132 Aspen of Rising Star Friesians - 3rd premie
133 Anouk fan Wildcroft - 2nd premie
134 Bente fan Wildcroft - 2nd premie
135 Amaris Rising Star Friesians - 3rd premie
136 Amira of Bonadelca - 2nd premie
182 Alemke of Terarossa - 2nd premie
Rubriek 3 - Premium judging yearling mares
137 Yfka fan Wildcroft - 3rd premie
138 Arya of Bonadelca - 2nd premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from 4 years and older (VB)
139 India Rose Van Gelder - scratched
140 Leah of Blackwood - studbook
141 Kismet of Terarossa - scratched
142 Okkie fan Wildcroft - studbook 1st premie star awarded Provisional Crown
143 Nimeesha - studbook 2nd premie star
183 Odette P.J. - studbook
144 Saske of Terarossa - studbook
Rubriek 6 - Judging for inclusion in the Studbook mares from 3 years (VB)
145 Paris of Ebony Park - stubbook
146 Quinte fan Wildcroft - studbook 2nd premie star
147 Sinne fan Wildcroft - studbook
148 Paige P.J. - studbook
149 Poppe fan Regal - studbook 3rd premie
Rubriek 7 - Judging for the star designation for mares who are already
registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
150 Sjoeke B.R. - scratched
151 Wieke B.R. - scratched
152 Hermione Van Gelder - studbook 3rd premie
Rubriek 9 - Pemium judging of star mares for 7 years of age and older
153 Zwenneke fan Wildcroft - no premie today remains star not invited for Crown
154 Zaretta TK - no premie today remains Crown
Rubriek 10 - Premium judging of Crown mares
155 Afke van de Hamelspoel - scratched
156 Antsje R.S. fan Top en Twel - 1st premie Crown
179 Sanne L. van Stal Linde - no premie today remains Crownn
Rubriek 12 - Judging for inclusion in the Gelding Studbook from 3 years and older (VB)
157 Gumboots of Shepherds Hill - studbook
158 Laven FH - studbook 3rd premie
087 Karst fan Wildcroft - studbook 3rd premie
166 Kobus fan Wildcroft - studbook 3rd premie
Rubriek 13 - judging for the star designation for geldings who are already registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
159 Karel fan Wildcroft - no premie
Rubriek 15 - Judging of one year old gelding / colts
186 Wick van Berkley - no premie
162 Zanotti of Bonadelca - 3rd premie
163 Whitley of Bonadelca - 3rd premie
Rubriek 16 - Judging of 2 year old VB-stallions
160 Vincent of Twin Rivers - 3rd premie
161 Yardan of Gramayre Stud - no premie
Rubriek 17 - Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star
164 Danny S.R. - scratched
165 Leendert of Bella Donna Friesians - no star
167 Maximus - star
168 Quickstep Diallo of Ebony Park - no star
169 Versace van Bonadelca - scratched
Rubriek 19 - Watching foalbook stallions with breeding permit
170 Age B.
180 Braggo S.
171 Sjoeke B.R. - scratched
172 Paulus Sybren fan Bokkum -
173 Zwenneke fan Wildcroft - 73.5 points second attempt 73.5 points
174 Wieke B.R. - scratched
175 Zaretta TK - 75 points second attempt 77 points
176 Danny S.R. - 58 points
177 Gumboots of Shepherds Hill - 68 points
178 Leah of Blackwood - scratched
092 Karst fan Wildcroft - scratched
184 Kobus fan Wildcroft - 72 points
185 Dieke fan wildcroft - 77.5 points

Victorian Champion 2017 Okkie fan Wildcroft owned by Theresa Lowe

Victorian Reserve Champion 2017 Armani of Bonadelca owned by Nerissa Brooks
Western Australia
Champion of the WA Keuring - Fenne S.R.
Reserve Champion of the WA Keuring - Oneischka Rixt KP
Rubriek 3 - Premium judging yearling mares
189 Annemeikje KP - 2nd premie
205 Zaqaria K.P. - 2nd premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from
4 years and older (VB)
190 Evangeline FS - studbook
191 Laila fan Friso - studbook
192 Karisma KP - studbook 3rd premie
193 Oneischa Rixt KP - studbook 2nd premie star
Rubriek 6 - Judging for inclusion in the Studbook mares from 3 years (VB)
194 So Special KP- studbook 3rd premie
Rubriek 9 - Pemium judging of star mares for 7 years of age and older
195 Fenne S.R.- 1st premie no Crown
Rubriek 17 - Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star
196 Tzar - star
197 Maserati KP - no star
Rubriek 19 - Watching foalbook stallions with breeding permit
198 Omer R.S. fan Top en Twel
199 Tzar - 61 points
200 Fenne S.R.- 73.5 points
201 Evangeline FS - 63.5 points
202 Laila fan Friso - 60.0 points
203 Oneischa Rixt KP - scratched
204 Maserati KP - 61 pointsChampion - Fenne S.R.

West Australian Keuring Champion 2017 Fenne S.R.
owned by Tashlin Jeffries of Kendall Park Friesians

West Australian Reserve Keuring Champion 2017 Oneischa Rixt KP owned by Tashlin Jeffries of Kendall Park Friesians
South Australia
Champion of the SA Keuring - Bridget Van Gelder
Reserve Champion of the SA Keuring - Yasmijn fan Friesian
Rubriek 1 - Premium judging colts
104 Doeke fan Friesian Dreams - 2nd premie
Rubriek 2 - Premium judging fillies
Bridget Van Gelder - 1st premie
Rubriek 3 - Premium judging yearling mares
107 Yasmijn fan Friesian Dreams - 2nd premie
Rubriek 4 - Premium judging two year old mares
108 Takara of Ebony Park - 2nd premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from
4 years and older (VB)
109 Isabel Van Gelder - studbook
Rubriek 15 - Judging of 1 year old geldings
110 Wolter Van Gelder - 3rd premie
111 Wester Van Gelder - 3rd premie
Rubriek 17 - Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star
112 Morpheus of Terarossa- star
Rubriek 19 - Watching foalbook stallions with breeding permit
113 Ypeus fan 'e Vesta Hoeve
114 Jurre fan 'e Gaestdyk
115 Ypeus fan 'e Vesta Hoeve - 78 points

South Australian Champion 2017 Bridget van Gelder owned by Erica & John Locke of Van Gelder Friesians
New South Wales
Champion of the NSW Keuring - Isabeau KP
Reserve Champion of the NSW Keuring - Hielke H.
Rubriek 4 - Premium judging two year old mares
077 Tofe SS- 3rd premie
078 Zulu of Elis Park - 3rd premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from
4 years and older (VB)
079 Intrigue of Ebony Park - 3rd premie
080 Omaeije Rixt KP - 3rd premie
081 Pavarni of Blackall Park- 3rd premie
094 Marinke from MCM - 3rd premie
Rubriek 6 - Judging for inclusion in the Studbook mares from 3 years (VB)
083 Suusja FH - scratched
Rubriek 7 - Judging for the star designation for mares
who are already registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
084 Isolina of T.K. - 2nd premie star
Rubriek 9 - Pemium judging of star mares for 7 years of age and older
085 Hielke H. - no premie today remains 1st premie star
086 Isabeau KP - 2nd premie star
Rubriek 12 - Judging for inclusion in the Gelding Studbook from 3 years and older (VB)
088 Mink - 2nd premie star
Rubriek 15 - Judging of 1 year old VB-stallions
089 Ziyadah of Atistaldi - 2nd premie
Rubriek 16 Judging of 2 year old VB-stallions
090 Vulcan of Oakside- 2nd premie
Rubriek 17 - Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star
091 Phoenix of Blackall Park - no star
093 Pavarni of Blackall Park - 71.5
094 Isabeau KP - 77.5

2017 NSW Keuring Champion Isabeau KP
Champion of the Queensland Keuring - Haitske fan het Vaantje
Reserve Champion of the Queensland Keuring - Xena of Siksikawa Friesians
Rubriek 3 - Premium judging yearling mares
041 Xena of Siksikawa Friesians - 1st premie
Rubriek 4 - Premium judging two year old mares
042 Talenje B.O.F. - 2nd premie
043 Vrouwke of Black Opal - 3rd premie
044 Vallegra Sikisikawa Friesians - 2nd premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from
4 years and older (VB)
045 Wendy of Cacharel - stb
046 Esme Van Gelder - stb
047 Grace of Black Swan - stb 3rd premie
048 G-Aphrodite's Crusade - stb
049 Kyra Van Gelder - stb 3rd premie
050 Nya Van Gelder - stb 3rd premie
Rubriek 7 - Judging for the star designation for mares who are already
registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
051 Haleema T.K.- 3rd premie
Rubriek 9 - Pemium judging of star mares for 7 years of age and older
052 Haitske fan het Vaantje - 1st premie
053 Gabrielle of Sikisikawa Friesians - scratched
Rubriek 13 - judging for the star designation for geldings who are already
registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
054 Lucius - scratched
Rubriek 17 - Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star
055 Jolle Z. - star
056 Mika SS - no star
057 Valentino Ropi - no star
058 Magneto RL - no star
058 Lucius - 63.5
059 Esme Van Gelder - 68.5
060 Haleema T.K. - 69.5
061 Haitske fan het Vaantje - 77
062 Grace of Black Swan - 68.5
063 G-Aphrodite's Crusade - 60 (tbc)
064 Gabrielle of Sikisikawa Friesians - 66
065 Jolle Z. - scratched
066 Kyra Van Gelder - 64.5
FriesiansChampion of the Tasmanian Keuring - Imprezza van de Hondshoeve
Reserve Champion of the Tasmanian Keuring - Celieka van Wallbrook
Rubriek 1 - Premium judging colts
026 Boudewijn van Wallbrook - 1st premie
Rubriek 2 - Premium judging fillies
027 Aanke van Berkley - 2nd premie
Rubriek 3 - Premium judging yearling mares
028 Celieke van Wallbrook - 1st premie
Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from
4 years and older (VB)
029 Olivia D. van Wallbrook - stb 3rd premie
Rubriek 7 - Judging for the star designation for mares who are already
registered in the Studbook 4 years and older
030 Kyrus-Monique van Wallbrook - remains 3rd premie
Rubriek 10 - Premium judging of Crown mares
031 Imprezza van de Hondshoeve - 1st premie Model
Rubriek 19 Watching foalbook stallions with breeding permit
032 Kai

Queensland Champion 2017 Haitske fan het Vaantje owned by Meisha Demears

Queensland ReserveChampion 2017 Xena of Siksjkawa Friesians owned by Collen Shields

Tasmanian & Overall Champion Imprezza van de Hondshoeve owner by Nadeen & Lee Davis of Wallbrook Friesian Horse Stud

Tasmanian Reserve Champion Celieka van Wallbrook owner by Nadeen & Lee Davis of Wallbrook Friesian Horse Stud