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Keuring 2019 Results

New South Wales Saturday

16th March 2019 Wallaby Hill Equestrian Centre NSW


IBOP Riding

020 Fanny fan 'e Pikesyl owned by Lynn Jenkin - 70 
021 Mink owned by Regan Palmer - 78
022 Tsjarda v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve owned by Kirsten Mann - 77
023 Tjibbe B owned by Jennifer Rapson - 82.5
024 Tetske N. van Wallbrook owned by Lynn Jenkin - 75 
025 Versailles of Terarossa owned by Lynn Jenkin - 77


IBOP Driving

018 Tsjarda v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve owned by Kirsten Mann - 71.5 
019 Ulrika H owned by M & J Minns - 75


Rubriek 3 Premium judging yearling mares

001 Esme SS owned by Susan Schepisi BbII Vb M - 2nd premie


Rubriek 5 Judging for inclusion in the mare Studbook mares from 4 years and older (VB)

002 Precious FH owned by H & D Maes BbI Vb M - not studbook large star excluded due to too much white 
003 Suusja FH owned by H & D Maes Vb M - 2nd premie ster 
004 Tetske N. van Wallbrook owned by L & D Jenkin Vb M - 2nd premie ster 
005 Ulrika H.owned by M & J Minns BbI Vb M - 3rd prem studbook 
006 Versailles of Terarossa owned by L & D Jenkin BbI Vb M - 2nd premie ster 
007 Tofe SS owned by Jenna Fraser BbII Vb M - studbook no premie
008 Zara SS owned by Shona Telfer Vb M - studbook no premie


Rubriek 6 Judging for inclusion in the Studbook mares from 3 years (VB)

009 Weineke van Berkley owned by Lisa Gomes BbI Vb - 3rd premie studbook


Rubriek 7 Judging for the star designation for mares who are already

registered in the Studbook, 4 years and older

010 Saske of Terarossa owned by Katrina Routson Stb - 3rd premie


Rubriek 8 Premium judging of star mares for 4 to 6 years

011 Tsjarda v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve owned by Kirsten Mann

Stb Ster - 2nd premie Ster


Rubriek 9 premium judging for ster mares 7 years and over

Fanny fan e Pikesyl owned by L & D Jenking 2nd premie Ster


Rubriek 12 Judging for inclusion in the Gelding Studbook from 3 years and older (VB)

013 Bastiaan BbI Vb Ruin owned by Natalka Zalucki - studbook no prem

Late entry: 026 William van Gelder BBI VB ruin owned by Lily Pettigrew- studbook 3rd prem


NSW Champion - Suusja FH owned by H & D Maes
NSW Reserve champion - Versailles of Terarossa owned by L & D Jenkin


Rubriek 15 Judging of 1 year old VB-stallions

014 Frederico of K.P.E.F. VVR BbI H owned by Lisa Gomes - 2nd prem


Rubriek 17 Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star

015 Tjibbe B. Vb H - Ster owned by Jennifer Rapson















Tasmania Monday 

18th March 2019 Berkley Farm TAS


Rubriek 1 Premium Judging Colts


Griffin van Wallbrook owned by Nadeen Davis - 1st Premie

Grandus van Wallbrook owned by Nadeen Davis - 1st Premie

Ilke van Berkley owned by M & C Thornley - 2nd Premie


Rubriek 2 Premium Judging Fillies

Elske van Berkley owned by M & C Thornley - 2nd Premie


Rubriek 3 Premium Judging Yearling Mares

Feodora Hynsteblom owned by Douglas Overdijk - 2nd Premie


Rubriek 5 Judging for incl. in the mare Studbook from 4 yrs & older (VB)

Teske Van Berkley owned by M & C Thornley - 3rd Premie

Vanna Hageblom owned by Douglas Overdijk - 3rd Premie


Rubriek 6 Judging for incl. in the Studbook mares from 3 yrs (VB)

Celieka van Wallbrook owned by M & C Thornley - 2nd Premie Ster


Rubriek 10 Premium judging of Crown mares

Minke V.D Maria louise Hoeve owned by M & C Thornley - 1st Premie


Rubriek 12 Judging for incl. in the Gelding Studbook from 3 yrs & older (VB)

Branik TK owned by Sarah van Aarde - 2nd Premie Ster

Tor van Berkley owned by M & C Thornley - Scratched


Rubriek 17 Judging of 3 yrs and older stallions to become Ster

Rutger of Twin Rivers owned by Donna Kremmer - no Ster


Tasmanian Champion: Minke V.D Maria louise Hoeve owned by M & C Thornley

also awarded Model

Reserve Champion: Grandus van Wallbrook owned by Nadeen Davis



















South Australia 

20th March 2019 McLaren Park Equestrian Centre


IBOP Riding

Serenity Sable owend by Karen Kohler - 73.5


Rubriek 2 Premium Judging fillies
058 Inge fan Friesian Dreams owned by M & M Van der Heiden - 1st Premie


Rubriek 3 Premium Judging Yearling Mares
059 Destiny van Gelder owned by E & J Lock - 2nd Premie 
060 Elza van Gelder owned by E & J Lock - 1st Premie


Rubriek 3 Premium Judging 2 year old Mares
065 Bridget van Gelder owned by Cherikee Berden - 2nd Premie


Rubriek 5 Judging for incl. in the mare studbook Mares from 4 yrs & older (VB)

061 Serenity Sable owned by Karen Kohler - 2nd Premie Ster

062 Takara of Ebony Park owned by Vicki Sard - 2nd Premie Ster

063 Ulla of Black Swan Friesians owned by Dianne Bradley - 3rd Premie Stbk


Rubriek 6 Judging for incl. in the mare studbook Mares from 3 yrs & older (VB)

064 Yasmijn fan Friesian Dreams owned by Cherikee Berden - stbk no premie


Rubriek 12 Judging for incl. in the Gelding studbook from 3 yrs & older (VB)

Tabruk fan Friesian Dreams owned by M & M Van der Heiden - No Ster

066 Ryker of Terarossa owned by Jo Kennedy - stbk no premie


Rubriek 17 Judging of 3 years and older stallions to become Ster

067 Tabruk fan Friesian Dreams owned by M&M Van der Heiden - No Ster


Rubriek 15 Judging of 1 yr old VB-stallions

Daan fan Friesian Dreams owned by M&M Van der Heiden - no premium


Rubriek 17 Judging of 3 years and older stallions to become Ster

067 Tabruk fan Friesian Dreams owned by M&M Van der Heiden - No Ster


South Australian Champion - Elza van Gelder owned by E & J Lock

Reserve Champion - Inge fan Friesian Dreams owned by M&M Van Der Heiden 





















25th March 2019 La Vita Lagoon Park Drive Maudsland



Asahi TK - owned by J Bellanto 67
Elias Van Gelder - owned by C&S Matthysen 73
Haitske fan het Vaantje -  owned by Meisha Demears 80
Gabrielle of Sikisikawa Friesians - 79 owned by C&S Matthysen
Marcello - owned by Kelly Maree Shannon 70
Pavarni of Blackall Park - owned by J&J Florent 81
Valentino Ropi - owned by Sharon McIntosh 73.50
Wester fan 't Lakerveld - owned by Meisha Demears 84 (Also 

awarded the 'IBOP Cup' for highest achieving IBOP score in

Australia 2019)


Rubriek 2 Premium judging fillies
111 Isle of Black Opal Friesians - 2nd premie owned by P Jankowski
112 G-May Ropi's Domain -3rd premie owned by Sharon McIntosh


Rubriek 3 premium judging yearling mares
113 Epa Ropi - 3rd premie owned by Sharon McIntosh


Rubriek 4 Premium judging 2yo mares
114 Elke-Omar KP - 1st premie owned by Penny Williams
123 Amalia of Blackall Park - 2nd premie owned by J&J Florent
125 Arabella Ropi - 3rd premie owned by Sharon McIntosh


Rubriek 5 Judging for the mare Studbook from 4 years & older
115 Talenje BOF - 3rd premie Studbook owned by P Jankowski
116 Vallegra Sikisikawa Friesians - 2nd premie ster owned by C&S Matthysen


Rubriek 6 Judging for inclusion in the studbook mares from 3 years
117 Xena of Sikisikawa Friesians - 3rd prem studbook owned by Colleen Shields
118 Zahra of Blackall Park - not entered into studbook owned by J&J Florent
119 Zara - 3rd prem studbook owned by Nola Holznagel
120 Ysadora of Blackall Park - withdrawn due to lameness owned by J&J Florent
121 Zephyr of Almonamar Park - 3rd prem studbook owned by Penny Williams
122 Zoella - 3rd prem studbook owned by Kelly Maree Shannon
124 Anastasia of Blackall Park - not entered into studbook owned by J&J Florent


Rubriek 7 judging for ster designation for mares who are

already in the Studbook
126 Nya van Gelder - 3rd premie owned by Charlene Polley
127 Pavari of Blackall Park - 1st prem Ster owned by J&J Florent


Rubriek 9 Premium judging for ster mares 7 and older
128 Haitske fan het Vaantje - 2nd premie owned by Meisha Demears


Rubriek 10 premium judging of crown mare - (provisional crown prior to passing her IBOP today)

Gabriella of Sikisikawa 1st prem owned by C&S Matthysen


Rubriek 12 judging for inclusion on the Gelding Studbook from 3 years and older
129 Asahi TK - withdrawn owned by J Bellanto


Rubriek 13 Judging for the ster designation for geldings who are already in the studbook
130 Marcello - 3rd premie owned by Kelly Maree Shannon


Rubriek 17 Judging of 3 yo and older foalbook stallions to become ster
131 Magneto RL - not ster owned by Kate Butterworth
132 Valentino Ropi - not ster owned by Sharon McIntosh
133 Wester fan 't Lakerveld - ster owned by Meisha Demears


Champion - Pavarni of Blackall Park also awarded Crown 
Reserve champion - Gabriella of Sikisikawa also awarded Crown
























30th & 31st March 2019 Werribee State

Equestrian Centre


Saturday 30th (Mares & Fillies)


Ridden IBOPs - Mares - Saturday 30th March 2019
Ursula of Shepherds Hill - scratched owned by E Chesson
Paige PJ - 67.5 owned by Z Kovacs
Grystje v.d.Maria Louise - 82.5 owned by K Routsen
Wenona of Bella Donna - 77.5 owned by E Chesson
Sinne fan Wildcroft - 64.5 owned by Z Kovacs


Driven IBOPs - Mares

Ursula of Shepherds Hill - 74 owned by E Chesson


Rubriek 1 –​Premium Judging of Colts
151 Horatio of Terarossa - 1st premie owend by K Routsen
153 Hannes of Twin Rivers - 2nd premie owned by K&J Mischulnig
154 Haiko of Twin Rivers - 1st premie owned by K&J Mischulnig


Rubriek 2 –​Premium Judging of Fillies

155 Innamincka of Shepherds Hill - scratched owned by E Chesson
156 Isabeau of Narrah - 3rd premie owned by D Veal
157 Harlow of Terarossa - 1st premie owned by K Routsen
158 Gitte of Terarossa - scratched owned by K Routsen


​Rubriek 4 –​Premium Judging of 2yr old Mares
167 Aanke van Berkley - scratched owned by Sharon Davis


Rubriek 5 - Judging for inclusion in the Studbook – mares from 4yrs & older (VB)
159 Pronkje fan Wildcroft - Stb no premie owned by owned by L Crossley
160 Ursula of Shepherds Hill - Stb 3rd premie owned by E Chesson
161 Tjarda fan Wildcroft - Stb 3rd premie owned by G&T Lamers
162 Vije fan Wildcroft - Stb 3rd premie owned by A&M Baird
163 Vronie fan Wildcroft - Stb 3rd premie owned by A&M Baird
164 Zuske fan Wildcroft - 2nd premie ster owned by C Leith


Rubriek 6 –​Judging for inclusion in the Studbook – mares from 3yrs (VB)

165 Wenona of Bella Donna - Ster 1st premie owned by E Chesson
166 Adira of Almonamar Park - Stb 3rd premie owned by K&J Mischulnig


Rubriek 7 -​Judging for the star designation for mares who are already registered in the Studbook, 4yrs & older

168 Sinne of Wildcroft - remains studbook owned by Z Kovacs
169 Paige PJ - remains studbook owned by Z Kovacs
170 Poppe fan Regal - 2nd premie ster owned by J Appleby


Rubriek 9 -​Premium judging of star mares for 7yrs & older
171 Grutsje v.d Maria Louise Hoeve - stays 2nd premie owned by K Routsen


Rubriek 10 -​Premium judging of Crown mares
​172 Fraukje T - 1st premie owned by K Routsen


Champion - Winona of Bella Donna ( Also awarded 'Best 3/4 year old mare 

Cup' which is presented to the Keuring Inspectors choice of

the best quality 3/4 year old mare presented for predicate judging in 

Reserve champion - Fraukje T


Sunday 31st March Geldings & Stallions


Ridden IBOPs - Stallions - Sunday 31st March 2019
Vincent of Twin Rivers - 72.5 owned by K&J Mischkulnig
Tsjolke fan Wildcroft - 75 owned by T&G Lamers
Matteus of IFB - 63 owned by a Thomsen
Ulrik R S Fan Top en Twel Ster - 74.5 owned by K&J Mischkulnig


Rubriek 12 –​Judging for inclusion in the Gelding Studbook from 3yrs & older
173 Mambo Sable - scratched  owned by S Daivs
174 Ydwer fan Wildcroft - 2nd premie ster owned by C Leith
176 Wylster fan Wildcroft -studbook 3rd premie owned by T&G Lamers
195 Regal Lady Hawke Friesians -Studbook 3rd premie owned by M Park


Rubriek 13 -​Judging for the star designation for geldings who are already registered in the Studbook 4yrs & older

177 Dion - 2nd premie ster owned by M Robinson


Rubriek 16 -​Judging of 2yr old Foalbook stallions/geldings 
182 Alrik Zj - 2nd premie owned by K Jackson


Rubriek 17 -​Judging of 3yr & older Foalbook stallions to become Star
178 Koening of Kardella - not ster owned by A Polidoro
179 Matteus of IFB - not ster owned by A Thomsen
180 Tsjolke fan Wildcroft - ster owned by T&G Lamers
181 Vincent of Twin Rivers - not ster owned by K&J Mischkulnig
196 Zydras fan Cimmerron - not ster owned by E Crawford


Judges decided to award a best horse of the day - awarded too Tsjolke fan Wildcroft


Rubriek 19 -​Viewing of Foalbook Stallions with Breeding permits
Age B -scratched























Western Australia 

3rd April  2019 State Equestrian Centre


Tzar owned by Audrey Mepham 63
Maserati owned by Louise Eastwood 66.5
So Special KPowned by Tashlin Jeffries  81


Group 5 Premium Judging for inclusion in the mare studbook

Inca KP 3rd Premie owned by Angela Nutton

Tully Inca 3rd Premie owned by Angela Nutton

Visharli KP 3rd Premie owned by Joanne Francis


Group 7 Premium Judging for Star designation for mares already

registered in the studbook 4 years and over

Iclipse Stb owned by Nicole Long

So Special KP 1st Premie Star owned by Tashlin Jeffries


Group 12 Premium Judging for inclusion in the Gelding Studbook from 3 years and over (VB)

Perez Hil FS Stb owned by Patricia Findlay

Group 16 Premium judging of 2 year old stallions (colts or geldings)

Alexandra Amaro 3rd Premie owned by Angela Nutton


Group 17 Premium Judging of 3 years and older foalbook stallions to become star

Maserati KP no Ster owned by Louise Eastwood

Vulcan of Oakside Ster owned by Paul & Wendy Noone


Group 19 Observing Foalbook Stallions with Breeding Permit

Omer RS fan Top en Twel - not presented


Champion So Special  KP

No Reserve awarded












NSW Keuring Champion Suusja FH.jpg

NSW 2019 Keuring Champion Suuja SH owned by Hans & Deb Maes from Fryske Hynder Friesian Horse Stud NSW

NSW Reserve Champion 2019 Versailles of

NSW 2019 Reserve Keuring Champion Versailles of Terrarossa owned by L & D Jenkin Tashkent Friesians NSW

Some images from the NSW 2019 Keuring 
Some images from the TAS 2019 Keuring 
Minke V.D Maria louise Hoeve d.jpg

Minke V.D Maria louise Hoeve owned by M & C Thornley Berkley Friesian Horse Stud TAS 2019 Tasmanian Champion awarded Model

Grandus van Wallbrook.jpg
Some images from the SA 2019 Keuring 
Champion and Reserve Champion Photo.jpg